If you're not the one.

Marilyn Loh. Living life to the fullest :)


Wednesday, December 06, 2006, 4:37 PM

I simply dont understand guys at all.Sometimes love doesnt overpower anything but you need to really understand a guy needs.No matter how much you love this particular guy but you can't provide what he wants,maybe it is game over for both of you?Maybe you will disagree with what i have say and you may think that if that guy ask you for that and you do not want to give him means he doesnt respect or love you at all.I used to think that and till now i still stand firm with my decision of doing that after marriage.I mean what's there to rush about?Love can be expressed in alot of ways,you need not do that to express your love for each other.Guys always gain but gals is always in disadvantage.Who knows what will happen in the future when both realise that you are actually not suitable for each other?Some will say"ya,we do it out of love".Rubbish.If every couple say that they doing it out of love but have they realise how many actually stay true to each other till the end?There's no such thing as everlasting love.I dont believe in that.I dont believe in giving that to someone i really love.I can be a very and devoted gf but certain things are beyond my limit to do it.

In the past,loving him was like a daily rountine.He used to be someone i love very deeply,the one i wish can change for the sake of me,the one i wish to stay for the rest of my life,the one i can never fail to get off on my mind.But now....is all memories.I've get over him cause i dont forsake a good future with him.I trust him alot and he's the one who leave a very great impact in my life.Our last broke up was a silent break.Reason?i knew it and i dont see the point to elaborate it.From what i know,he's leading his life and i am living happily on my own.
23th november 2005

Yes,i've fallen for someone else.He's a very good guy but he cant provide a very good future for me.I'm afraid he will be like my ex.Nevertheless,he also leave quite a impact in my life.Thanks for everything.

Dont judge me by saying i'm a flirt.I cant get off someone from my mind for the past 1 yr and finally i feel so much better.Anyway,life still goes on.